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Światły, dobry człowiek według niektórych przedstawicieli lewicy:

Today marks the 140th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx -- one of the most evil men in history

Marx was an alcoholic who never washed. Boils covered his body, preventing him from sitting down

He refused to work, and drove his family to destitution -- causing the deaths of his two sons from exposure and illness

He raped his unpaid maid, and had Engels subsidise their illegitimate child

He wrote poetry romanticising the ingesting of poison -- the method by which two of his daughters would later commit suicide

One of those daughters Marx disowned for marrying a Cuban man, who Marx insulted as ‘Negrillo’ and ‘The Gorilla’

Marx was also explicitly genocidal -- calling for ‘revolutionary terror’, theft, and murder against the ill-defined 'bourgeoisie'

He said ‘the next attempt of the French revolution’ should be so bloody that ‘beside [it] the French Revolution [would be] child’s play’

He forecast a dictatorship would inevitably arise from this bloody revolution, and require absolute power to collectivise and redistribute property to achieve communism

He idolised Mephistopheles from Faust, insisting that ‘Everything that exists deserves to perish.’

No wonder every experiment with Marxism produces mass murder, privation, starvation, tyranny, and Hell on Earth

Long after his death, Marx's spectre of contempt for existence itself haunts our civilisation

We would do good to rid ourselves of it

źródło: https://twitter.com/Con_Tomlinson/status/1635612834343075842
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WO22 - Światły, dobry człowiek według niektórych przedstawicieli lewicy:
Today marks ...

źródło: FrLdLn-WIAEe2RP

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@WO22: Źródło: twitt jakiegoś typa, bez podania źródła, zaorane, nie ma co xd

Swoją drogą - ciekawe skądś wziął taktykę oczerniania oponenta, gdy nie radzisz sobie z obaleniem jego argumentacji. Od Stalina? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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via Wykop
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@aegispolis: Widzisz, jesteś zbyt głupi i ograniczony żeby zauważyć, że źródło tego wpisu zawiera także źródła dla tych stwierdzeń (a najczęściej tym źródłem jest sam Karol Marks).
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