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Ciekawe jak nastroje wśród Rosjan w wieku poborowym. Hehehe
Nie lękajcie się! Śmierć jest częścią życia. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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@regent21: taki post ktoś na 2ch wrzucił, cywilizacja śmierci na całego


Here's what I thought in the background of all this news about mobilization: the proximity of death makes a person truly free.

Imagine that you are soon taken to the front, where you are most likely to die, you have nothing more to lose, don’t give a fuck what people think about you, how such and such an action will theoretically affect something there. You can tell people what you really think about them, how important someone is to you or, on the contrary, you are disgusted, you can drive up to a little girl, talk to a random person, swell up and walk around the city. In general, everything that local omezhki are usually afraid to do. All our lives we live with certain limits and fears, but what if we die tomorrow? All this ceases to be so important
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