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#angielski #angielskizwykopem hej, jak to bedzie w odmianie żeby pasowało do zdania? It was a ......
[disaster] weekend. I wanted to visit a friend of mine, but first I got a flat tyre, then when I tried to call my husband my mobile went dead. Of course, I had no idea how to change the tyre myself so I just left the car on the hard shoulder and thumbed a lift home.
  • 17
@obuniem: mógłbym się zgodzić... a w tym? Gale warnings have been issued for all coastal towns and villages. The .........
[inhabit] are requested not to leave their homes. jest jakiś portal z odmianą czasownikow?:x
@luigi_pl: a w to bys umial? You should start looking for a job. You can't, being 30, rely on your parents for financial support.
It's time Odpowiedź
. You can't, being 30, rely on your parents for financial support. (przekształc zdania aby ich znaczenie pozostalo takie same.)