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@Defined: Jeżeli to jest takie małe społeczeństwo, gdzie mogę mieć realny wpływ na to co się w nim dzieje to wolę zachowywać się zgodnie z zasadami, nawet jeśli mnie to postawia w gorszej sytuacji
the act of dealing with a certain causality that happened recently to one person. The process of trying to get over someone or something. Dealing with what had happened.
Joe: Yo any news from Dan lately?
Luke: No, i hate to see him cope over that girl he had that dumped him yesterday

A word to be used when you disagree with someone but don't want to think
The thing retarded people say when they have no friends and have been in their mum’s basement for a year.

Short for "Copenhagen" chewing tabacco?

what idubbbz does, when his girlfriend becomes an e-thot xD

One of the DOPEST & FRESHEST New York City graffiti kings ever. Big King Cope 2. He's been through it all, from the days of Subway top to bottoms, to the new school
the act of copeing to your self by sucking thumb.
you can cope upon many things.

1. In reference to drugs, (CO)caine (P)l(E)ase

2. In reference to sex, (CO)ck (P)l(E)ase

3. Dealing with something

to pretend ta say somethin' or do somethin' that you aint

cope is a chav that lives on his rubber dingy and floats about drinking his white lighting