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Dzielni Czeczeńscy wojownicy punkt po punkcie oczyszczają Ukrainę z banderyzmu i nazizmu, kto wie może kiedyś przybędą i do Polski.

Oto ich oświadczenie. ! Tell me, looking at the footage, is it possible to scare these guys with NATO weapons, and even more so with Bandera rabble? While the enemy, even disguised, has enough darling just to control unmanned vehicles, the Chechen OMON is moving to its next goal in full growth.

They just got out of the fight. Although the battle implies some kind of worthy resistance of the enemy. In our case, this wording does not apply to Bandera. There was the most low-spirited and petty ambush, but it did not bring success to the Nazi rabble. As a result, another base of these scumbags was destroyed. We have one wounded. He has been evacuated. Life is not in danger.

My dear BROTHER, Anzor Bisaev, the commander of the Akhmat-Grozny OMON OMON of the Russian Federation Department for the Chechen Republic, says that, as it was, the lack of even the slightest decent resistance remains a big problem. He is worried that Kyiv will be taken in this way, and only traces of the Nazis who fled, or at most their sparkling heels, will remain in the memories.

Separately, Anzor Bisaev addresses the shaitans from the other side, who in the Chechen language threaten to give an unprecedented rebuff to the Russian Armed Forces. They have the audacity to call themselves the Sheikh Mansour Battalion. Do not dare to touch the hero of the Chechen people with your miserable and filthy existence. Know that it is we who will punish you in the name of Sheikh Mansour!

Our fighters urge these toothless rats to at least wait for them, if they themselves do not dare to attack. But I'm sure they won't listen. As soon as the first rumor about Chechen special forces on the outskirts of Kyiv spreads, these Ichkerians will only be remembered by their names. Mark my words! They also concern fascists from the Azov and Aidar formations.

In the meantime, Zelensky, sitting in a bunker, no longer demands, but begs the West to help him maintain power, the nightmares from his worst dreams are getting closer and closer. And soon they will become more real than such a thing as Zelensky - the president.

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