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czy orientuje sie ktos jak wyglada historia dynastii Yamoto w Japonii? W necie jest malo po polsku, na angielskich stronach znajduje, ze doszli do wladzy okolo VII wieku. Potem jakies zawirowania z emigracjami do Brazylii, USA. Ja w glowie dynastie to bardziej rozumiem jako rod np. Piastow - od Mieszka I do Kazimierza III Wielkiego, a dla Yamoto angielska wiki podaje 125mln populacji. Jakis ich przedstawiciel rzadzi (chociaz posiada wladze reprezentatywna) do dzis?
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@93michu93: Yamato ma wiele znaczeń - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamato , ale jeśli piszesz o grupie 125 milionów osób, to mowa o grupie etnicznej.

The term came to be used around the late 19th century to distinguish the settlers of mainland Japan from minority ethnic groups inhabiting the peripheral areas of the Japanese empire, such as the Ainu, Emishi, Ryukyuans, Nivkh, Oroks, as well as Koreans, Han-Chinese, Taiwanese aborigines, and Micronesian peoples who were
The term came to be used around the late 19th century to distinguish the settlers of mainland Japan from minority ethnic groups inhabiting the peripheral areas of the Japanese empire, such as the Ainu, Emishi, Ryukyuans, Nivkh, Oroks, as well as Koreans, Han-Chinese, Taiwanese aborigines, and Micronesian peoples who were incorporated into the Empire of Japan in the early 20th century.

@andale: ok, dzieki, a co z dynastia Yamoto?