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Jeżeli ktoś uwielbia soundtrack SDV tak bardzo jak ja, to na pewno ucieszy go wieść o powstaniu Prescription for Sleep: Stardew Valley. Wcześniej w tej serii można było usłyszeć remixy utworów z takich gier jak Shovel Knight, Celeste czy Undertale.
W przypadku kołysanek z SDV ConcernedApe współtworzył album z artystami z Gentle Love, dzięki czemu jazzowe, relaksujące aranżacje utrzymały swój wyjątkowy charakter znany z oryginału. Już nie mogę doczekać się ukochanego Winter (The Wind Can Be Still) w takim wydaniu. ()
Album wychodzi 19 maja, do kupienia tutaj.

1. Stardew Valley Overture
2. Spring (The Valley Comes Alive)
3. Summer (The Sun Can Bend an Orange Sky)
4. Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
5. Fall (The Smell of Mushroom)
6. Fall (Raven's Descent)
7. Mines (Cloth)
8. Winter (Nocturne of Ice)
9. Winter (The Wind Can Be Still)
10. Night Market
11. A Golden Star is Born
12. Beauty in Seasons (Original)

Oficjalny opis:
Scarlet Moon Records is pleased to present the 11th album in the Billboard-charting jazz album series with Prescription for Sleep: Stardew Valley. This album has been largely produced by Stardew Valley creator and composer ConcernedApe with its themes of nature and the four seasons making for a perfect pairing with GENTLE LOVE's therapeutic music approach. ConcernedApe not only hand-picked all 11 tracks that are covered on the album but also wrote commentary and conducted the interview found in the extensive digital booklet. As always, the album features an original theme by GENTLE LOVE in which every two bars of music represents a month of the year, telling the passing of seasons in an innovative and musical way.

Więcej informacji na Gamespot.

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