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NCFX is a regulated benchmark administrator and calculation agent that aggregates data from numerous wholesale market sources to generate highly accurate and hyper-reliable market data for FX, precious metals, and crypto assets. NCFX is the only FCA authorised administrator of live spot and forward FX benchmarks. Our benchmarks and reference rates are vendor and venue neutral, meaning they cannot be directly influenced or targeted, making them fair and objective for any use case by any market #!$%@?.

NCFX provides several products ranging from real-time official benchmarks, API analytics, transaction cost analysis, indices and benchmark applications. Coverage is continuous throughout the global trading week with data available on over 10,000 instruments across spot, forward, NDF and Cryptos in granularity to 50 millisecond intervals. Our benchmarks and reference data can be accessed in live and/or historic formats. Our clients cover all market sectors and geographies globally, including sovereign wealth funds, asset managers, and major corporations.

As a market-leading data provider, we wanted to expand our reach and support the rise of smart contract applications for DeFi within various blockchain networks. However, blockchains are purposely disconnected from the outside world, meaning smart contracts have no built-in capabilities for calling our API. Therefore, we required a secure blockchain middleware known as an oracle to bridge our existing API data into blockchain environments.

After examining different oracle solutions, we identified Chainlink as offering the most secure, reliable, and time-tested oracle infrastructure in the industry. Chainlink is the industry standard oracle solution, with a plethora of traditional data providers and decentralized applications using it to buy, sell, and transfer data between one another.

#kryptowaluty #chainlink
t.....n - > NCFX is a regulated benchmark administrator and calculation agent that ag...

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