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#pyheart #python #programowanie

Czołem, podklejam podsumowanie aktywności z zeszłego tygodnia (11-17 stycznia 2021) na https://pyheart.pl. Podsumowania można śledzić obserwując tag #pyheart.

Link do podsumowania zeszłego tygodnia znajduje się tutaj.

Kontent uwzględniony w ww. podsumowaniu:

Artykuły (21)
- BetterProgramming - 5 Advanced Python Function Concepts Explained With Examples
- Twilio Blog - Build React Projects with a Background in Python, Flask, HTML, and CSS
- StackAbuse - Introduction to Data Visualization in Python with Pandas
- Twilio Blog - Build a GraphQL API with Subscriptions using Python, Asyncio and Ariadn
- Machine Learning Mastery - Visualization for Function Optimization in Python
- BetterProgramming - How To Send Emails Using Python (Updated for 2021)
- RealPython - Sentiment Analysis: First Steps With Python's NLTK Library
- StackAbuse - How to Randomly Select Elements From a List in Python
- BetterProgramming - The Best VS Code Extensions for Python Developers for 2021
- TestDriven.io - Asynchronous Tasks with Flask and Celery
- Luke On Python - Complex EntityID mapping
- Machine Learning Mastery - Code Adam Gradient Descent Optimization From Scratch
- Twilio Blog - Generating Twilio Access Tokens in Python
- Miguel Grinberg - Learn Socket.IO with Python and JavaScript in 90 Minutes!
- RealPython - NumPy Tutorial: Your First Steps Into Data Science in Python
- Haki Benita - Re-Introducing Hash Indexes in PostgreSQL
- Practical Business Python - Pandas DataFrame Visualization Tools
- StackAbuse - Update All Packages With pip-review
- BetterProgramming - How to Scrape Modern Websites Without Headless Browsers
- Adam Johnson - How to Set Up report-uri.com on Django
- StackAbuse - How to Merge DataFrames in Pandas - merge(), join(), append(), concat() and update()

YouTube (17)
- Pyplane - Amazon price tracker with Django and Beautiful Soup | part 4
- PL python easter eggs: future braces (beginner) anthony explains #206
- Simplilearn - Reinforcement Learning In Python
- Learn Python With Rune - Automate Financial Analysis in Excel - Easy with Python - Full Tutorial
- what is a boolean trap? (programming antipattern) (beginner - intermediate) anthony explains #204
- python: str.translate (intermediate) anthony explains #205
- Kacper Sieradziński - Django REST Framework - Tworzymy API
- Python Engineer - How I Edit My Videos With Python - Python Task Automation
- Bro Code - Python higher order functions
- NeuralNine - QR Code Generator in Python
- python is compiled? (+ disassembler) (intermediate) anthony explains #203
- Bro Code - Python lambda λ
- Kacper Sieradziński - Prace w panelu administracyjnym Django - kolumny, filtry, wyszukiwarka
- Python Engineer - How To Schedule Python Scripts As Cron Jobs With Crontab (Mac/Linux) - Python Task Automation
- Pyplane - Django tutorial 2021 | Django Social Network project 2.0 with Javascript - part 2
- DataDaft - PL Python Programming Practice: Leetcode #15 -- 3 Sum
- NeuralNine - Simple Caesar Encryption in Python

Podkasty (5)
- PythonBytes (#216) - Container: Sort thyself!
- Podcast.init (#297) - Project Scaffolding That Evolves With Your Software Using Copier
- Talk Python To Me (#298) - Building ML teams and finding ML jobs
- Django Riffs (#11) - Here, There, Middleware
- PythonBytes (#215) - A Visual Introduction to NumPy

Eventy/meetupy (1)
- Rozszerzona Wizualizacja Danych w Pythonie z dr Michałem Korzyckim i SKN Statystyki

Newslettery (1)
- Django News (#58)

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