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@Cryptonerd_io: ja #!$%@?, co za mozgi, chca certyfikowac wyniki nawet jak maja pod nosem ze wyniki nie sa zgodne z tym co mialo wyjsc xDDD
Faciu prawnik mowi vice-przewodniczacemu ze w statucie stoi ze musi byc pewien ze wyniki sa dokladne i prawdziwe, a vice mu odpowiada ze ma obowiazek ceryfikacji xDD
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This entire stream is such a blatant showing of corruption it blows my mind.

Its just an endless string of accusation of racism to try and threaten and bully people into accepting a result every single person there knows is fake.

When that one guy said they have 200k more registered voters than people living there, that 70% locations had more votes counted than votes cast, that over 150k votes cant be
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