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Sony has a couple of events in the works. And these should provide a closer look at the next generation.
First is a Sony event in early June. The company was originally planning this for June 4, but it is moving it around. The exact date is more nebulous now. That doesn’t mean it’s slipping by a matter of weeks, though. The early June timeframe is still the company’s current plan.
#playstation #stateofplay #ps4 #ps5
janushek - Sony has a couple of events in the works. And these should provide a close...

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What should you expect from this early June event? Sony was putting together a roster of next-gen games (not just first-party). The shifting date, however, may cause some complications in that regard.

And I do not know if this is when Sony will finally show the physical console itself. It’s possible, but I cannot confirm that.

I do #!$%@? that Sony will have shown the PlayStation 5 off in detail by the start of its following event. The company is putting together one of its State of Play video presentations for early August. This will highlight a combination of current- and next-gen games.

janushek - What should you expect from this early June event? Sony was putting togeth...

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