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In the days o' lang syne, over seven dicks, over seven rivehs, nearby the Gubalovka, liveth Tomislav Apolonius Curus Bakleda Farell, like dis blowin heateh. One day Tomislav went o' the hillside an' though:

Fuckin Christe, now that's fuckin 'nough! How long can yae chow tis fuckin' sheep cheese! It ain't tasty, it ain't lit, an' so bollocks pricey! And yo' sure to shite yerself next day, cause it's formed wit dirty grabbers! Damn, if it even was made o' cowe milk! But jus' try to fucken see if it's ram o' sheepe! Dat's where the salty savoure comth from! Fucken disgustin'. What ar these tourists even see in it!

While Bakleda was chompin' the sheep cheese, the reek of ram's spunk was circlin' in the nearby. Even dah wind was smellin' o' wankstain. The snipes could not endure it. The stenche put them awa' from dah roosts. Fishes in dah Sea Ey - fuckin died, and the fishes in dah Blacke Pond - fuckin died. Caterpillar the Bear woke up from dah winteh slumbeh and got right to dah showeh. But it was'n' him who smelled that badley. After the bathe the stink o' shite and puke went away, but also the acetous reek was even mo' terribleh. But these certaine odou' has waken up not only bear, it also woke up the lusts, mangled, homosexual lusts. Dah Snowey Apeh, also called by some folks dah Yeti, goes batshite after he smells the reek o' cocke. An' dah thing is, the sheep cheese smells dah same. The end.

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flecker - In the days o' lang syne, over seven dicks, over seven rivehs, nearby the G...

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