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Badania wskazują że to lewacka gazeta.


The corporation has long been accused of left-wing bias, but now researchers claim to have found statistical evidence that challenges the broadcaster’s claim to fairness.

The BBC are more likely to cover left-wing think tank reports and to hail them as “independent” while giving right-wing research a “health warning” by pointing out its ideological position, the Centre for Policy Studies have found.

Oliver Latham, who compiled the Bias at the Beeb report, said: “Our results suggest the BBC exhibits a left-of-centre bias in both the amount of coverage it gives to different opinions and the way in which these voices are represented.”

The team compared the coverage given to think tanks on the BBC website with that given by the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph.

The BBC covered seven out of ten of the stories on the Guardian, but only mentioned three out of ten reports which had been covered by this newspaper over the set period.

Of reports on four left-of-centre think tanks only one received a health warning - defined as statement of a think tank’s views, ideological position, or connection to a political figure - more than 10 per cent of the time, and one never received a warning.

In comparison, the warning appeared on between 25 and 60 per cent of reports on five right-of-centre organisations.

“In other words, the BBC seems to treat right-of-centre views as being more "extreme" and in need of caveats than roughly equivalent left-of-centre views,” Mr Latham wrote in the Sunday Times.

A similar trend was discovered in the corporation’s tendency to reinforce the views of an organisation by describing them as “independent”.

Three of the left-of-centre organisations were described as independent, compared with just one of the right-wing think tanks.

Zarzuty po ENG;P
IntelPolanInside - Badania wskazują że to lewacka gazeta.


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