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czytam sobie ksiazke o #luciddream i znalazlem taki ciekawy fragment. pewnie dla osob obserwujacych ten tag to nic nowego, ale moze ktos kiedys zastanawial sie dlaczego we snie tak dziwnie zmienia sie czas albo przedmioty ustawiane są w innym miejscu niż zwykle. W skrocie

The crucial difference is that the multisensory world you experience while dreaming originates internally rather than externally. While awake, most of what you perceive corresponds to actually existing people, objects, and events in the external world. Because the objects of waking perception actually exist independently of your mind, they remain relatively stable. For example, you can look at this sentence, shut the book for a moment, and reopen to the same page, and you will see the same sentence.

But, as you will see in chapter 3, the same is not true for dreaming. Because there is no stable external source of stimulation from which to build your experiential world, dreams are much more changeable than the phys-ical world. If you were in a lucid dream, your experience of the world would be even more different from waking life. First of all, you would know it was all a dream. Because of this, the world around you would tend to rearrange and transform even more than is usual in dreams.”Impossible” things could happen, and the dream scene it-self, rather than disappearing once you know it to be “unreal, “ might increase in clarity and brilliance until you foundyourself dumbfounded with wonder.

Co do moich snow to poki co tego nie doswiadczam ale podchodze do tego spokojnie, nie czuje sie jakims wyjatkowym czlowiekiem wiec czekam na jakis przypadkowy glebszy sen. narazie powoli zapoznaje sie z tym intrygujacym tematem. staram sie wprowadzic nawyk po ktorym wstawajac odrazu bede przypomial sobie co mi sie snilo. zazwyczaj zapominam to robic i pozniej te sny sa nie do przypomnienia, a po obudzeniu jestem w stanie wyciagniac z nich choc jeden fragment. bardzo spodobal mi sie koncept cienia ktory uslyszalem na wykladzie tedx ze tak naprawde uciekamy przed samym soba, ze my jestesmy koszmarami ktorych sie boimy albo cos w tym stylu. mysle tez o sposobach po ktorych sie ockne, na przyklad staram sie zapamietam ze jak spotkam ta osobe we snie albo przez przypadek popatrze na rece i one beda rozmazane to bedzie znak. wiem ze zazwyczaj sny cofaja mnie do pewnego okresu, najbardziej chce sprawdzic jak bede wygladal czy bede o te 12 lat mlodszy niz teraz.

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In the case of sleep, so little sensory input is available from the outside world that you stop maintaining a con-scious model of it.When your sleeping brain is activated enough to construct a world model in your conscious-ness, the model is mostly independent from what is happening in your environment—in other words, a dream.The sleeping brain isn’t always creating a multidimen-sional world model.Sometimes it seems to be merely thinking, or doing very
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