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A propos ostatnich wydarzeń. Alfons Godall, w latach 2003-2010 wiceprezes Barcelony, mówi o relacjach FCB z federacjami i z sędziami.

It was a nice time in our relationship with the Spanish Federation (RFEF)

A good relationship with institutions in which things are decided

I think Laporta made things grew up, and very deeply being on good terms with these institutions. To an international level too: UEFA, ECA, FIFA, etc. And I think it helped us.

We must be in the institutions in which power is exerted instead of turning our backs.

No ale hehe walnijcie się w głowy hehe spiski wszędzie widzicie, sędziowie mylą się w obie strony hehe

#fcbarcelona #pilkanozna
Clermont - A propos ostatnich wydarzeń. Alfons Godall, w latach 2003-2010 wiceprezes ...
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