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Denis Cuspert, który był mężem Niemki Omainy Abdi ze znaleziska Niemiecka wdowa po bojowniku ISIS żyje w Hamburgu nie niepokojona przez nikogo, był też drugim mężem Amerykanki Danieli Greene.

Daniela Greene w 2011 r. rozpoczyna pracę w FBI jako tłumaczka. W styczniu 2014 r. zostaje wyznaczona do śledztwa ws. "osobnika A", terrorysty ISIS. W czerwcu 2014 r. wyjeżdża do Syrii i poślubia terrorystę. W sierpniu 2014 roku ucieka z Syrii do USA i zostaje aresztowana. Skazana na 2 lata, gdyż zgodziła się współpracować z władzami. Wychodzi z więzienia w sierpniu 2016 r.

An FBI translator with a top-secret security clearance traveled to Syria in 2014 and married a key ISIS operative she had been assigned to investigate, CNN has learned.

The rogue employee, Daniela Greene, lied to the FBI about where she was going and warned her new husband he was under investigation, according to federal court records.

Greene's saga, which has never been publicized, exposes an embarrassing breach of national security at the FBI—an agency that has made its mission rooting out ISIS sympathizers across the country.

It also raises questions about whether Greene received favorable treatment from Justice Department prosecutors who charged her with a relatively minor offense, then asked a judge to give her a reduced sentence in exchange for her cooperation, the details of which remain shrouded in court-ordered secrecy.

The man Greene married was no ordinary terrorist.

He was Denis Cuspert, a German rapper turned ISIS pitchman, whose growing influence as an online recruiter for violent jihadists had put him on the radar of counter-terrorism authorities on two continents.

In Germany, Cuspert went by the rap name Deso Dogg. In Syria, he was known as Abu Talha al-Almani. He praised Osama bin Laden in a song, threatened former President Barack Obama with a throat-cutting gesture and appeared in propaganda videos, including one in which he was holding a freshly severed human head.

Within weeks of marrying Cuspert, Greene, 38, seemed to realize she had made a terrible mistake. She fled back to the US, where she was immediately arrested and agreed to cooperate with authorities. She pleaded guilty to making false statements involving international terrorism and was sentenced to two years in federal prison. She was released last summer.

Her attorney, former assistant federal public defender Shawn Moore, said he could not comment on details of the case, citing attorney-client privilege constraints and national security restrictions.

He described Greene as "smart, articulate and obviously naïve." He said she was "genuinely remorseful" for her actions.

"She was just a well-meaning person that got up in something way over her head," Moore said. He declined further comment.


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Piekarz123 - Denis Cuspert, który był mężem Niemki Omainy Abdi ze znaleziska Niemieck...

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