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Aktualizacja tego mojego poprzedniego wpisu - pojawiły się nowe poprawki dot. dzisiejszego głosowania w związku z opóźnieniem Brexitu.

Nowe poprawki to:


Line 4, leave out from “Article 50 (3)” to end and add:

“to enable the House of Commons to find a way forward that can command majority support;

2. orders accordingly that on Wednesday 20 March –

(a) Standing Order No. 14(1) (which provides that government business shall have precedence at every sitting save as provided in that order) shall not apply;

(b) precedence shall be given to the motion specified in paragraph 3;

(c) the Speaker shall interrupt proceedings on any business before the motion specified in paragraph 3 at 1.30 pm and call a Member to move that motion;

(d) debate on that motion may continue until 7.00 pm at which time the Speaker shall put the questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on that motion including the questions on amendments selected by the Speaker which may then be moved;

(e) any proceedings interrupted or superseded by this order may be resumed or (as the case may be) entered upon and proceeded with after the moment of interruption; and

3. the motion specified in this paragraph is a motion in the name of at least 25 Members, including at least five Members elected to the House as members of at least five different parties, relating to the Business of the House on a future day or days in connection with matters relating to the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union.


Leave out paragraphs (2) and (3).


At end, add “ (4) notes that Erksine May states that a motion or an amendment which is the same, in substance, as a question which has been decided in the affirmative or negative during the current session may not be brought forward again during that session; and therefore orders the Government not to move a further motion asking the House to approve the Withdrawal Agreement and framework for the future partnership that the house declined to approve on 15 January 2019 and 12 March 2019.”.

#brexit #uk #polityka
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@FantaZy: Jak będę miał chwilę to przygotuję, zrobię tldr... właśnie powiedzieli że spiker wybrał poprawki do głosowania:

(h), (i), (e), (g)

Jeżeli (h) zostanie przyjęta, poprawki (i) i (e) upadną. Jeżeli zostanie przyjęta poprawka (I) poprawka (e) upadnie.