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Zacytuję komentarz stworzony przez użytkownika YouTube o nazwie "indianiecworld" nt. tej całej farsy polsko-żydowskiej. Tak jak wspomniałam kiedyś wcześniej - jestem centrystką:

-Jews need to give Poles more credit for protecting from Nazis and acknowledge Polish victims of the Holocaust
-Poles need to understand that their countrymen murdered 2000 returning Jews after 1945 and robbed Jewish properties. Sad but true.
-Jews need to know that many of their sisters and brothers collaborated with Soviets in prosecuting Polish underground heroes -Jews need to understand that Poles were and are their only true friends
-Poles need to stop being anti - semite
-Jews need to stop the antipole propaganda
-Everybody needs to understand that the main culprit was Hitler and Stalin
-Everybody should just calm down

#bekazantypolakow #bekazantysemitow #tylkoskrajnecentrum
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