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Scena z Głowy rodziny w klimatach "Red Scare" i wzajemnego szpiegowania się "fałszywymi obywatelami" dwóch mocarstw podczas Zimnej Wojny, ale z myszą. Comrade Mousekewitz! Did you think you could run forever?!

Okay, Natalia, level with me.Why are you really here?
I have been sent to neutralize liberal Jewish dissident, Fievel Mousekewitz.
Oh.Well, the only mouse in this neighborhood is our innocent neighbor, Frank Maxwell.
Comrade Mousekewitz! Did you think you could run forever?
I, uh, I think you've got the wrong mouse. I'm just regular old Frank Maxwell, and I'm very late for work. Good day, ma'am.
(STARTS ENGINE) Whoa! You killed him?
That was not me. Someone else got to him first.
Tough break, Jew mouse. HA HA!

#historia #familyguy #myrmekochoria
myrmekochoria - Scena z Głowy rodziny w klimatach "Red Scare" i wzajemnego szpiegowan...
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