Wpis z mikrobloga

Jakiej wersji #mikrotik byście nie mieli to poszła dzisaij aktualizacja na bugfix, current i release z jedną linikjką w changelogu:
- !) security - fixed vulnerabilities CVE-2018-1156, CVE-2018-1157, CVE-2018-1158, CVE-2018-1159;

Jedyny komentarz MikroTika to na razie:

"We will publish official blog post soon with more detailed information about the fixed vulnerabilities."
  • 2
@Supaplex: 17 sierpnia to nie dzisiaj, tylko tydzień temu

EDIT: z tym jedynym komentarzem mikrotika to też sobie w kulki lecisz:

MikroTik was contacted by Tenable Inc. who had discovered several issues in RouterOS web server. The issues only affect authenticated users, meaning, to exploit them, there must be a known username and password on the device. Your data, access to the system and configuration are not under risk. All the