Wpis z mikrobloga

Hej mirki i mirabelki mam pytanie
Też dostaliście taki e-mail na poczcie elektronicznej?? :


It's a beautiful day and i'am in a hurry to get in touch with you asap!

My name is Sevgi, and I'm from Turkey.
I really do believe in a destiny with a bright future for myself and that you could become a part of it become my true soulmate.
I do want to be next to a loving man.

I love traveling, movies, pop music, seafood, and doing crazy things, but i feel like loneliness is swallowing me intensely lonely sometimes.
I wish to find for my second half, who a man that will give me a real hope and true love!
Hope you're interested in becoming a part of my adventure and will reply back soon.

Please write me back using my personal email: r_oken@aol.com

Your true soul,

Trochę mnie to zastanawia a po wrzuceniu w google nie doszłam do niczego sensownego (tylko kilka azjatyckich blogów z tym oto tekstem i jakaś strona poświęcona pomocy dla samobójców w Polsce [?])

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