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Dostałem dzisiaj takiego maila z Bitfinex (lekko przypau). Czy ktoś kto nie jest tam zweryfikowany może potwierdzić czy dostał taki czy nie?

Dear Customer,

Under the laws of the British Virgin Islands (which are applicable to entities organized in the British Virgin Islands, including us), we are required to report certain account information to the BVI government. The government of the BVI may then exchange that information with the tax authorities of the customer’s country of residence, consistent with British Virgin Islands law, the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Common Reporting Standard (CRS).

You can read more about FATCA here and about CRS here.

Pursuant to BVI law, we are required to obtain self-certifications from our customers in order to ascertain each customer’s tax residence. To that end, we are providing links to the following four self-certification forms:

(1) FATCA self-certification form for individual customers (available here);

(2) FATCA self-certification form for entity customers (available here);

(3) CRS self-certification form for individual customers (available here);

(4) CRS self-certification form for entity customers (available here).

We request that you complete the appropriate self-certification form and upload it to your Bitfinex account (Account > Verification > Manage Documents > Upload New) by May 24, 2018, at the latest. If you are a U.S. person (i.e., a U.S. resident, a U.S. citizen, or an entity organized in the United States), or an entity with at least one 25%+ owner who is a U.S. person, please complete the appropriate FATCA form. Otherwise, please complete the appropriate CRS form.

You are required to provide us with such information. As a reminder, by agreeing to our terms of service (as set out at https://www.bitfinex.com/legal/terms), you have agreed to use the website in compliance with applicable laws or regulations.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards,

The Bitfinex Compliance Team


  • 20
  • Odpowiedz
@rosiv: Nie dostałem

If you are a U.S. person (i.e., a U.S. resident, a U.S. citizen, or an entity organized in the United States)

Z jakiego to maila przyszło? Przecież klienci z U.S. są zbanowani na finexie
  • Odpowiedz
@rosiv: Bitmex jest spoko i nie wymaga weryfikacji, ale to trochę inny typ platformy niż zwykła giełda, tam nie handlujesz krypto tylko kontraktami

Z większych giełd które nie wymagają KYC jest jeszcze binance, kucoin i kraken, przy czym na krakenie musisz wpisać swoje dane (ale nie wysylasz dokumentow)
  • Odpowiedz
@Smule: Krakena używam, ale wg mnie ma słabe UI. Na Bitfinexie zajebiste jest to, że limit ordery można przesuwac myszką ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Odpowiedz
@rosiv: Na bitmexie też można. Bardzo fajna platforma, niestety jak się dzieje to zaczyna lagować i nie można wystawiać orderów (albo wystawia ale za 10 razem) ale i tak polecam :)
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