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Ciekawa opinia dot. #neo #wtc i innych chińskich tokenów na najbliższe tygodnie.

Background: Siedzę na Telegramie w zamkniętym roomie założonym przez ludzi z największych banków w Szwajcarii, których znam osobiście (nie chcę wymieniać nazw bo przez wiele lat tam pracowałem). Na kanale są na prawdę łebscy ludzie i grubasy: traderzy, szefowie blockchainowych startup'ów o których na pewno słyszeliście + azjaci. Nie piszę tego żeby się chwalić czy coś, tylko aby podkreślić, że info nie jest wyssane z palca.

Dzisiaj wywiązała się taka oto dyskusja od skośnookiego co ma grube koneksje:




Huawei to Offer BTC.com Bitcoin Wallet in App Store

Guy X

What exactly is moving forward in china ? How exactly you're going to put fiat with Huawei app ?

as I understand that's the biggest hurdle in China, converting fiat into crypto as the state banned exchanges


You don’t. You use Wepay or Alipay

This can only happen with the green light of the government

This will be huge



After consulting with some Chinese friends it seems that more coins (Chinese ones) will be included into the wallet.

As well as most likely BCH too

Guy X

is there an overview available ? what coins likely will be available ?


Not yet. It’s community speculation from Chinese investors that are well connected. However, the opinion that it will mostly >be Chinese coins is strong

Could be in line with the government announcing its support for a few selected coins

Guy X

so 2018 will be the year of NEO? :grin:

Guy X










- ICT (IOT Chain)

Guy X

NEO IMO is already oversold, it has barely moved while BTC went up from 9300 to 9900.

Guy X


- cpchain

- Nebulas

- Matrix

... and QTUM



Not sure about which ones will be supported when but it seems that China is moving forward fast. Through the wallet they >would be able to personalize BTC etc so they can control it more easily

Same happens with Wepay and Alipay

The interesting thing will be how they will prevent people simply from sending funds to a new BTC address and cash out >overseas, as they want to prevent capital flight

While a lot of coins are “Chinese”. Not all will make it I think. VEN isn’t really Chinese for example and I think they won’t >support coins that are out of their sphere of control (VEN is in Singapore if I’m not mistaken)

NEO would be an obvious candidate. What matters most to me is not which projects will be supported but that most likely >projects will be supported. This will go against the decentralization philosophy but at he same time might push adoption >heavily.

As am example WTC. It’s heavily supported by the Chinese government but doesn’t market too much. It’s emphasis is on >adoption. This is only one of their future childchains but a look on the website and it’s partners will show you that it already >has better connections that most of the top10 coins right now. And it’s only one of the many subsidiaries of Waltonchain:






CEO of Upbit was the former CEO of Kakao(2nd biggest IT conglomerate) and also high rank executive of one of the top 3 >newspapers. But prosecutors are investing him too.. and he might go to jail.. all of this happened when Upbit went live back i>n Q4 2017 where they didn’t really have the equivalent amount of crypto their users were trading. Fake order books.. >Because Upbit is bigger than Bithumb, the shock is pretty big here. Upbit is the top searched word right now on major portal >websites and nobody is saying a word on my Korean chat rooms right now.

In SK community right now

Guy X

Very useful insights, thanks


Cointelegraph6:52 PM 5.1K

While we wait for the SEC to give guidelines (for what actually, the US? Such a joke), China is moving forward

"The Chinese government announced it will publish a monthly “independent analysis” of cryptocurrencies and blockchain >projects at a Beijing conference May 11"

There you go

But Moody’s wants to rate crypto^^

#kryptowaluty #bitcoin
  • 9

Bear with me...this will be a long, but I think very interesting, post. I read the article that came out today from Google talking about Google Pay and how it's already available on Airbnb, so I went down a rabbit hole for about 8 hours and dug a hole to China. Literally. And it basically was facts that I've read before, but never connected them all together. Take a look:
You don’t. You use Wepay or Alipay

@rosiv: AliPay is part of Alibaba, Union Pay has a partnership with PayPal, and WeChat is part of Tencent Holdings

Google Ventures is an early investor in Ripple and Uber. dLocal is a payment provider who integrated Ripple's software in the second half of 2017, and its customers include Uber, AliPay, WeChat Pay, and Union Pay, which are China's 3 major digital payment providers