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#rosja #usa #sankcje #rubeldown
Uuu, szykują się nowe sankcje, tym razem przeciwko bankom i instytucjom finansowym...

(b) Russian Sovereign Debt Defined.—For purposes of this section, the term “Russian sovereign debt” means—
(1) bonds issued by the Russian Central Bank, the Russian National Wealth Fund, the Russian Federal Treasury, or agents or affiliates of any such institution, with a maturity of more than 14 days;
(2) new foreign exchange swap agreements with the Russian Central Bank, the Russian National Wealth Fund, or the Russian Federal Treasury, the duration of which agreement is longer than 14 days; and
(3) any other financial instrument, the duration or maturity of which is more than 14 days, that—
(A) the President determines represents the sovereign debt of Russia; or
(B) is issued by a bank listed in subsection (c).
(c) Russian Financial Institutions.—The financial institutions listed in this subsection are the following:
(1) Sberbank.
(2) VTB Bank.
(3) Gazprombank.
(4) Bank of Moscow.
(5) Rosselkhozbank.
(6) Promsvyazbank.
(7) Vnesheconombank.
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@Primusek: Też mam wrażenie że to taki miecz zawieszony nad szyją i czekanie na decyzję skazańca, ale równie dobrze mogli to zrobić w rozmowach między sobą. Poza oczami publiki
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