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Ethnicities of Israel: Polish Israelis

Co dzieci pochodzących z Polski żydów wiedzą o swojej byłej ojczyźnie

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For me as Polish with some jewish background it's kind of sad to hear all that stuff. I feel like they're putting all central-easter european countries into one bag. Ok, Poland is maybe less developed than eg. Germany BUT I wouldn't say that life here is much more worst than in Israel, or that the country is much more less developed than Israel, sorry. Most of young Israelis are visiting Poland only to see Auschwitz, also they have no idea about people here. Mostly they make their opinions only on what they heard from their teachers or in TV, while having no interaction with real ppl. PS. All food they mentioned is not Polish. It's just Ashkenazi traditional stuff (but for example- latkes as well) not eaten in Poland at all.

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Probably not the reason, but an argument could be made that the Jewish people literally made Poland into a nation after King Boleslave invited them to literally, "Develop the country economically and culturally." (per their decree) specifically looking for Jewish money lenders and then murdered all of them in the pogorms that started there after.

#polityka #hisoria #germandeathcamps #izrael #polska
Amarantus_Ekspandowany - Ethnicities of Israel: Polish Israelis

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