Wpis z mikrobloga

#priorityline #gearbest
A mi coś takiego fajnego wysłali, żal normalnie

I am sorry to hear you haven't received the items yet.
In order to resolve it,please kindly confirm the following points:
1) Please reconfirm your delivery address in “ My accounts”:
Consignee name:
Detailed address:
Postal code:
2)Please contact your local post office in charge of your area,stating your name and address.
In some cases, post office may require customers to collect parcels over there.Kindly let us know the results.
3)We shipped on date Sept.15th.Therefore your delivery deadline will expire on Date Nov.15th.
Once we receive all details above, we will offer you the right resolution for your case on this date.
Please note this timeframe is only decided by the carrier to consider the item lost.
As a proof of goodwill, we Gearbest commit to help our customer the best we can, by resolving delivery issues as early as possible.
Once again we are sorry for this inconvenience, and we will do best to resolve it to your satisfaction.
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@K4znodzi3j za każde 5-dniowe opóźnienie względem przewidzianego czasu dostawy 30 dni.
Tak wywnioskowałem z tego komunikatu. I tak powinno to być 25 dni roboczych. W komunikacie jednak napisali 30 dni zwykłych. Także myślę że przy 35 można ubiegać się o 5% a przy 40 o kolejne 5%
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