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Dziś w ##!$%@? aktualizacja odnośnie buga ze spotify!
Wygląda na to, że bug z przestawiającym się wyborem pamięci został w końcu r̶o̶z̶w̶i̶ą̶z̶a̶n̶y ominięty!

I've actually had the problem for the last months as well and it seems it

is solved on my phone. This is what I did:

1. Delete cache and all data in the app on your phone.

2. Uninstall the app.

3. Use a pc and login to manage your account via browser

4. Navigate to your 'offline devices' and delete all listed devices from

the list.

5. Install the app on your phone and log in.

Ever since Spotify uses my SD card properly.

Good luck, fellows!

#starebugi #spotify