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Polecam do poczytania: I thought nothing in Russia could shock me. Then I went to a television broadcast Angus Roxburgh

Artykuł w języku angielskim z The Guardian

Nominally the topic under discussion was the anniversary of Hitler’s invasion of the USSR on 22 June 1941 – but this was just a pretext for a hate session against Ukraine, Poland, and anyone who dared to criticise Russia.

[...].Here, pictures of a man being arrested in Ukraine for carrying a Soviet flag flickered on the screen, and a token Ukrainian “expert” was allowed to explain why communist symbols are banned there. But within seconds she was shouted down by the two alpha-male hosts, who sneered at her, denouncing the Ukrainian government as Nazis and Russophobes.[...]

He cursed the Polish parliament for voting to remove memorials to the Soviet occupation of their country. “I won’t shy from the word,” he said, “these people are bitches, animals … ”

#polska #ukraina #rosja #propaganda #artykulypoangielsku #theguardian #stosunkimiedzynarodowe #polityka
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@zaltar: Dla mnie rzeczy oczywiste, ale i tak ciekawe i dobrze, że zauważono to za granicą (w Polsce chyba nie, ciekawe czy chociaż 5 polskich dziennikarzy oglada te rosyjskie programy) . Chodzi o ten program, który zasygnalizowałem na mirko - klik (drugi link).
Zwraca uwagę, że bliźniacze dehumanizujące zwroty wobec Polaków użyte były tez przez inną gwiazdę rosyjskich mediów.