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Zastanawialiście się pewnie czemu USA sprzedaje broń za 100 mld $ do Arabii Saudyjskiej? Przeciez hurr durr Arabia Saudyjska wspiera ISIS, #bekazprawakow i ich prezydenta #trump który był nadzieją na zmianę sytuacji i zaprzestanie wspierania terrorystów itp itd.
Jak ktoś ciekaw to macie wyjaśnienie z reddita:

"That's because the situation isn't as black and white as you think it is. While wealthy Saudis do finance ISIS, it is not the government that does it. ISIS hates the Saudi royal family, and would see it destroyed. One of the primary reasons why Western powers prop up the Saudi monarchy with weapons is to ensure that they remain in power, because if they fall, a group like ISIS will spring up to takes its place and will have direct access to all the oil wealth. The Saudi monarchy may be backwards as all hell, but it's actually the most Westernized, and Western friendly institution in the entire country. It is significantly more progressive than the mullah class, and the Saudi population at large. They've managed to stay in power due to spreading the wealth around to the right people, keeping the mullah's happy enough so that they maintain their religious legitimacy, and through force of arms provided by Western powers.

I know people would like an easy and simple solution to the Saudi problem, but such a solution doesn't exist."

#isis #terroryzm
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One of the primary reasons why Western powers prop up the Saudi monarchy with weapons is to ensure that they remain in power, because if they fall, a group like ISIS will spring up to takes its place and will have direct access to all the oil wealth.

Mądrość etapu musiała być inna, gdy usuwano Husajna i otwierano beczkę z islamistami. Mądrość etapu może się w każdej chwili zmienić (
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