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Children of magenta, o co w tym chodzi przy okazji mojego latania zabytkami ostatnio.


#lotnictwo #symulatory #xplane

The result can easily be a fatal one like the crash of the Gulf Air Airbus A320 in August 20001 when a fully functional aircraft with 143 people aboard crashed into sea after the crew failed to properly y a go around which they had initiated following an unsta- ble approach.
It does not take an unstable approach for a go-around. The May 2010 crash of the Afriqiyah Airbus A3302 followed a relatively normal approach albeit one not own using the most appropriate FMS mode and therefore a bit lower than pro le. But after initiating a go- around, everything suddenly went wrong resulting in the airplane impact- ing ground short of the landing runway at a descent rate of 4400 feet per min- ute with just one survivor.
What do these two crashes have in com- mon, what can we learn from them?
In both cases, the aircraft itself was fully functional. Pilots simply lost situational awareness during go-around, resulting in inappropriate control inputs. This is clearly the evidence of lack of manual flying capability as well as raw data in- strument scanning skills.
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