Wpis z mikrobloga


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1) Po zapisaniu się na jakiś kurs jest on na koncie dożywotnio czyli do czasu usunięcia Udemy.com
2) Kupony mają ograniczenie czasowe i/lub ilościowe. Chcesz mieć jakiś kurs, to zapisuj się jak najszybciej. Smęty typu "a teraz jest płatne" ignoruję. Widocznie byłeś/byłaś za wolny/wolna.
3) Tak, śpię. Czasem nawet za dużo!

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Zrobiłeś/zrobiłaś jakiś kurs? Oceń go w tagu #oceniamyudemy

Kursy darmowe z kuponami (-100%):

Learn RSI, Options & Technical Analysis (3 Course Bundle)
Resistance Band Training For A Fit, Tone, Lean Strong Body!
Real Estate Investing: The Strategies, Tools & Mindset
Numbers in German
Closed Captions # 3 -Tools & Free Resources to do CC Smartly
Closed Captions Training #1 - Do Correct CC Files for Amazon
Triple Revenue From Website Visitors Using Link Redirection
Mastering DNS on Windows Server 2016
Free Tools: Subtitle Softwares to Edit Closed Caption Files
Reduce Business Systems Costs With a Meta Data Repository
Lancer une idée d'entreprise en 1 heure
Crowdfunding Mastery: Kickstarter and Indiegogo
Be More Organized, Productive, and Creative with a MindMap
Reprogram your Brain so your memories can't hurt you!
Excellence in Excel! Make any chart dynamic in Excel!
Logo Designing for Your Business in an Hour
How to make $135 a day cloning a slotmachine app!

Kursy darmowe bez kuponów:

Learn FreeRTOS from scratch
Learn the basics of the Web development: Coding Tactics
Boost your kids' intelligence, teach them encyclopedic facts
HP UFT / QTP 14.00 (Latest Version)
Electronics : Semiconductor - A thorough understanding
Learn PHP from scratch!!
The Essential Guide for Business Ethics
Designing an Interaction Blog App in Sketch App and Flinto
How to Become a Successful Professional Speaker
Build an AWS IOT Button Slackbot for Absolute Beginners
Introduction to OpenStack
Essentials of Software-as-a-Seervice (SaaS)
Machine Learning: A Beginners' Friendly Introduction
How To Build A Cloud VoIP 3CX Telephone System In 30 Minutes
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