Wpis z mikrobloga

Weekendowe misje i zniżki.
RU server gets:

15% discount for 180 and 360 days premium account
are able to buy Mutz
are able to buy Korean Patton
have 15% discount for ALL tier 8 premium tanks
Additionally, their weekend special contains:

5x XP for 1st victory of the day
15% discount for purchase of premium time within WOT client
50% discount for all tier 4-5 vehicles
30% discount for all tier 6-7 vehicles
15% discount for all tier 8-10 vehicles
50% discount for all equipment
50% discount for garage slots
50% discount for consumables
4 different missions with tier 2 reward tank if you complete those + other stuff
credit booster packages and other less appealing stuff

EU server gets:

50% discount for tier 2-5 premium vehicles
3x XP for 1st victory of the day
50% discount on crew re-/training
personal mission repeatable 3 times
+ jeszcze jakieś tam pierdoły

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@szumek: za tydzień wyrównają nam przy okazji gamesconu (którego ru pewnie nie będzie świętować). w tamtym roku do wygrania był dicker max (200k expa) + reszta gówien, także o co ta spina?
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