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#turcja #occupygezi

ktoś pytał o kiboli w Tucji - oto odpowiedź od mojego Turasa- rozmawiam z nim po angielsku. Jeśli ktoś nie rozumie, to może sobie uzyć ctrl+c i ctrl+_v na translate.google.com :)

awww therre were wuestions from my friends in Poland - how about football fans in Turkey? did they fight hard?

did they unite?


thats the

most important thing

in our riot

there are few teams

who's been enemies for eternitiy

even themn

stick together now

in my city

we have two teams, Göztepe and Karşıyaka

yea, there are to be some hooligans

in normal situation, if fans from these teams stands in same spot

they would

kill each other

now they're hugging, walking together

with their team's shirts

and we have çArşı

team Beşiktaş's fan group

they are really rebellious

they even stole a bulldozer

earth digger i mean

and drove it to the police panzer

everyone sticks together

there are no holiganism

i saw that on YT

everyone is like brother over here

in gezi park

there are no government now

a pure display of communism over there

everything is free

they have library now

food is free

medicine is free

everyone is equal :d

its fantastic

even utopic

you gotta see that

there are no police in that area

since 4 days

and not even 1 crime has happened

there are no crimes, no fights

and thousands live there, in peac


its fabulous