Wpis z mikrobloga

MindBox poszukuję Senior Software Engineer Java
Duration: long-term (first purchase order on 12 months)
Commitment: full time (2 days a week remotely)
Location: Krakow
Client: Bank
Form of cooperation: a contract of employment or contract B2B
Widełki: 72 - 95 PLN/h (netto)

-Knowledge of/working experience with Java, Spring, Hibernate, EJB, Maven, Ant, Eclipse, Weblogic, Reporting tools (HP Exstream, Jasper Reports.)
-Knowladge of Unix systems,
-Knowledge of SQL and at least one relational database type,
-Knowledge of English is necessary, Prior working experience in a bank or a financial institution will be an advantage.

Więcej informacji na: https://www.posredniak.it/index.php/jobs/senior-software-engineer-java-partly-remote/

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