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Foto Księżyca zrobione 18 cm maksutowem z kamerą Celestron Skyris 236M.
Autorem jest Robert Reeves (źródło na fb), który sam tak opisał swoje zdjęcie:

I am really happy with this image of the Moon. It was taken on the evening of November 19. It was shot at prime focus without a Barlow because I judged the seeing as too poor for additional magnification. Maybe I was wrong! This was shot through a 7-inch telescope and on the full size image I can detect details as small as one mile! Pardon me while I pat myself on the back!

We are looking at the Straight Wall region of the Moon. The first thing that caught my fancy was the unusually wide shadow from the lengthy slope of Rupes Recta. We are used to seeing this as a “black line” feature, but here it is a black stripe! To the west of Rupes Recta lies the parallel feature Rima Birt. There are three small volcanic domes at the north end of Rima Birt and the shadows are perfect to allow the shallow domes to be seen. Another curious feature is one I can't find on my maps. Look north of Rupes Recta about the same distance as the Straight Wall is long. Here is a diagonal dark streak about 70 miles wide. I have no idea what it is. I assume it is a linear fault with the land on the eastern side being slightly depressed, thus in faint shadow. Any one know what this is?

Elsewhere in the image are classic Alphonsus and Arzachel at the upper right, sharp circular Werner at the lower right, and at the lower left is the vast plain of ruined Deslandres.

#fotografia #astrofotografia #ksiezyc
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