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#!$%@? od tego czy sie z tym zgadzam czy nie to wklejam dosyc ciekawy opis supply-sidersow z Peddling Prosperity Krugman'a, ktory brzmi dosc znajomo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Supply-siders do not fundamentally rely on empirical evidence to back their view; they believe that their ideas are necessarily, logically, right, and that the academic majority is wrong not only about parameters but about principles.

Or to put it another way, the supply-siders are cranks. […] A crank, in Gardner’s definition, is someone who challenges scientific orthodoxy – but not in a sensible, well-informed way. Instead, he is an outsider who fails to understand what the orthodoxy is about, and/or is determined to refute the current wisdom for personal or political rather than scientific views.

Gardner identifies two defining features of the crank. First, a crank is isolated from the usual channels of discussion. “He does no send his findings to the recognized journals… He speaks before organizations he himself has founded, contributes to journals he himself may edit. […] The other characteristic of a crank, in Gardner’s discussion,is the belief that failure of the establishment to accept his ideas necessarily represents stupidity, dishonesty, or both.

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