Wpis z mikrobloga

Taki cynk dla tych którzy się zastanawiali jak dokładnie działa przydzielanie nagrody za PvE jak się padnie.

If you die in PvE, your objective and mission completion rewards are reduced proportionately to the amount of time you are alive in the match compared to the time to complete the objective/mission.

For example, if you were alive 4 minutes, the objectives were completed in 8 minutes, and the missions were completed in 12 minutes, you should get 50% of the objective rewards and 33% of the mission rewards. If you had survived 8 minutes, you'd get 100% of the objective rewards (since you were alive for the whole process) and 66% of the mission rewards (since you were alive for 66% of the mission).

Your rewards for stuff you personally do (such as damage) are not affected by these modifiers.

The way this is currently presented is unintuitive and we're working on presenting this more clearly.

Whether or not you go back to the garage should be completely irrelevant to your match rewards. It's possible there could be a bug with this, and I will look into it.

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