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Ludzie mają ładnie #!$%@?... jak można zabić i pociąć ciało piła za pieniądze w grze warte może 2 zł ? #karapyta
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@Masakrator1942: wrzuciłbym na wykop ale troche zbyt brutalne @FapinoTrololo: @Tedohadoer: jak chcecie foty, możecie wygooglować

This is one of the most messed up gore stories ever. 12 year old Gabriel Kuhn was friends with 16 year old Daniel Petry. Both were fans of MMORPG computer game called Tibia. Gabriel Kuhn wanted to progress in his game but he was short on game money so he asked his buddy Daniel Petry if he could borrow 20,000 Tibia money from his account. Daniel transferred requested funds to Gabriel’s account but wanted it back later on. This is where it gets pretty messed up.

Gabriel Kuhn failed to transfer the Tibia funds back to Daniel Petry’s account and that got Daniel upset so much, he stormed Gabriel’s house and killed his friend by strangling him to death. He wanted to hide the body in the attic, but being 1,8 meters above ground, this wasn’t an easy task. Determined to conceal the murder, Daniel took a knife and a hacksaw and sawed Gabriel’s legs off to make him weigh less. But then… Gabe’s mom returned back home to find her 12 year old son dead
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