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Historia Illidana, fajnie napisana przez gościa na reddicie, link:

Illidan and Malfurion were brothers to traditional kaldorei (night elf) parents. Illidan was born with amber eyes which is a sign of great power and druidic potential (it's worth noting that Queen Azshara is the only other kaldorei known to have amber eyes) and was always more arrogant and power hungry than Malfurion. When Malfurion began training in the druidic arts with Cenarius he joined in too but soon gave up and instead turned to the more traditional spellcasting of his people as he was a natural at it and its powers are faster to grow than nature's.

The two brothers were both childhood friends of Tyrande Whisperwind as well. Malfurion had no interest in her but Illidan was infatuated with her and was always trying to earn her respect, so much so that when the War of the Ancients broke out almost all of his actions were in order to look good in front of her.

The most extreme example of this is when he deceived Sargeras himself and pretended to betray the kaldorei to join the Burning Legion. Prior to doing this he had learned that Tyrande was in love with Malfurion and this was his way of trying to earn her love. Sargeras gave Illidan a gift, burning out Illidan's amber eyes and replacing them with mystic fires that allowed him to see all sorts of magic. He also gave him the iconic tattoos of the arcane that cover his body.

At the tail end of the war Illidan took seven vials of water from the Well of Eternity. When Malfurion destroyed the well (and most of Azeroth along with it) Illidan used one of the vials to recreate the Well on top of Mt. Hyjal. This was seen as insane by the surviving night elves and they attempted to arrest him - he killed a few nobles and maimed General Jarod Shadowsong in the attempt. This earned him the spite of all the night elves and Malfurion imprisoned him for 10,000 years.

So at this point we have an already remorseless Illidan who is infused with the arcane/fel. Then he gets locked up in solitary confinement for 10,000 years. None of this is very good for his psyche as you can imagine.

Flashforward to the Third War and Tyrande releases him hoping that Illidan will help fight the Legion. He did so for a while but eventually left to fight the Legion on his own because he was tired of Malfurion looking over his shoulder. Eventually he gets his hands on the Skull of Gul'Dan and uses its powers for himself, becoming even more demonic and powerful.

Now this is the height of the Third War and both the Scourge and the Burning Legion are fighting for control of Azeroth. This forces Illidan to think quickly in order to survive, what with having the Scourge, Alliance, and Legion all after his head. Through a series of adventures he allies with Lady Vashj's naga, Prince Kael'Thas's blood elves.

Now here's the really big deal. Kil'jaeden offers Illidan one last chance at freedom: destroy the Frozen Throne and the Lich King and he'll no longer be hunted but welcome in the Burning Legion. Illidan is somewhat successful in his attempt to destroy the Frozen Throne but Arthas (still a death knight at this time) intercepts him and defeats him in one on one combat.
Afterwards he flees to Outland since he knows the Legion will kill him now that he has failed. Here he also befriends Akama and his Broken and from there he rules Outland, trying to survive in a universe that hates him.

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