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#ocieplaniewizerunkucara #mikolajii #rusofilia #monarchizm #4konserwy

Nagranie głosu cara Mikołaja II-go.

Z opisu:

01 - 04 sec. Lt. Gen. Edward V. Eck:

"Listen to (inaudible)! Brothers! I drink to the health of our dear Sovereign Leader Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich! Hurrah!"

39 - 41 sec. Children's voices:

"Hurrah Hurrah!" Anybody else, except as a voice Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, it can not be.

05 sec. - 1 min. 02 sec. The orchestra plays the national anthem Russia Empire.

1 min. 03 sec. - 1 min. 12 sec. Lt. Gen. Edward V. Eck:

"To the ceremonial march - rifle on his shoulder! Quick march!"

1 min. 13 sec. - 1 min. 48 sec. The orchestra played a Kroupa military march "Homesickness." (http://youtu.be/_NUi1jhlUZc)

1 min. 49 sec. - 1 min. 53 sec. Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich:

"Brothers! Thank you for the nice parade!"

2 min. 08 sec. - 2 minutes. 13 sec. Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich:

"Thank you, brothers, for a excellent apprenticeship!"
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