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Prawilny opis młodej karyny na portalu randkowym za gramanicą ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just somebody who wouldn't judge me before they get to know me ... Somebody who would at least try to understand me... Sorry to say that but I'm not interested in a dark skin people... Thats why you never get the answer, if somebody was wandering..... Also I'm 21 so people with a age like 30 or more can search for an older ladies... B. T. W all emos, pankrockers and others... also will not get any answer... Probably many of you will think that I am rasist... but nooooo Its just my choise to who I wanna answer... so like I said dont jugdge me before you know me... :)

#portalerandkowe #zagranico #badoo #tinder #tfwnogf #heheszki
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