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Pierwsza dłuższa opinia na bazie recenzenckiej wersji #pillarsofeternity , niestety źródło obecnie zostało usunięte z powodu embarga obowiązującego do poniedziałku.

"Hello all!

I wanted to make this thread to share some of my thoughts with Pillars of Eternity. I won't be officially reviewing the game for the 'Watch, but I would like to share some thoughts and observations I've had since playing.

So far, I've played several hours, and have gotten as far as :
Spoiler –…

The most important comment I have thus far about this game is simply this: "This game is basically Baldur's Gate 2015!"

It's really true. I'm not saying this game sort of feels like Baldur's Gate, or it's simply been influenced by BG, but this game is as close to a modern Baldur's Gate as we will ever see!Honestly, the only thing missing is the D&D license and Minsc and Jaheira being recruitable characters.

So, needless to say, I love the original BG games, and this game has captured my imagination as well. It's truly a well-refined experience thus far.

The rule system is very important in a game like this, and while I haven't fully wrapped my mind around it yet, it certainly seems impressive, more impressive than most other RPG systems around nowadays. At first glance, it may appear more shallow than the D&D ruleset, but it has a lot of quirks and nuance to it, and once you start piecing some bits together, it starts to really become a very solid, modern ruleset that I'm enjoying.

Is it as great as D&D? Well, I'm not sure yet, but it certainly holds a candle to it. It even sets it on fire a bit. However, I absolutely adore D&D, so it's hard for me to judge this aspect of the game. The system is solid, though, and as I explore it more I can see myself loving it a lot due to its sheer complexity and depth.

The game is sort of a more focused experience, with the interaction between the party members and combat systems. I think there are less combat encounters overall than BG, but they are more focused and require more tactics.

For example, running into a gang of spiders will require some thought. You certainly don't want your backline casters to be surrounded by the group, and you will want to keep positioning in mind so you can fire off some nice area-of-effect spells and abilities. It really is quite rewarding to properly position your caster and fire a cone of fire at your enemies, nailing as many of them as you can in the cone. It's satisfying to pull off these sorts of tricks in combat.

Did I mention the excellent writing? It's really quite nice, and the story thus far is epic and large enough to give a real sense of vastness to the game world. There are also lots of maps to add to this feeling as well, and just like BG, tons of rewarding exploration.

So, I'll stop the rambling here for now. I will add more thoughts in future posts, but I'm interested in hearing what you guys think of the game! Please, I don't want to get into endless debate about minute details of the system here, I'd just like to read some broad impressions and a general likes/dislikes list to see how you feel about the game thus far.

My list would look something like this:

Fun and tactical combat system
Deep ruleset
Beautiful graphics
Epic story
Rewarding exploration with lots of maps to explore

Some of the fonts could be cooler (the default font is sharp and clean, but not necessary immersive in the way that a more stylized font would be.)
The general trend of "everything at nighttime turns purple". It makes the graphics a bit muddled, in my opinion.
That's all for now."

#crpg #rpg #gry #obsidian #baldursgate
wielooczek - Pierwsza dłuższa opinia na bazie recenzenckiej wersji #pillarsofeternity...

źródło: comment_iq2HVktZ4tO2Hha6CjKDZzlIwbciaqfV.jpg

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Some of the fonts could be cooler (the default font is sharp and clean, but not necessary immersive in the way that a >more stylized font would be.)

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