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Wskazówki do rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej w UK które dostałem od pewnej agencji, może komuś się przyda.
Interview Hints
Although, no two interviews are the same, below, are some guidelines to help you to prepare.
NOTE: Lateness is never an acceptable part of the interview process for any client, but sometimes it is unavoidable. You should always phone ahead to let us know if you are stuck in traffic or if your train is delayed for whatever reason. You should always apologise to your interviewer upon arrival and this is good professional practice.
Interview Preparation
There are many forms of interview preparation and no two individuals will prepare in the same way, however, every candidate should be 100% clear on the following: -
Time / Date
Job Description
Company Information
Directions (Nearest Train Station if applicable)
The Company
What exactly does the company do?
The easiest way of researching the company is by looking at their web site. The Key areas that we recommend a candidate to be briefed upon are: -
Company Business / Products / Services
Recent Press announcements
Share price
Office locations
Annual report
The Position
Make sure that you have a full job description, and that you are clear as to the project that you would be working on. Ensure that you have all of the skills required for the position.
Ensure that you have checked with your consultant as to possible areas of questioning for the position. Check for desirable skills, these often give an indication as to the candidate who would be a perfect match for the position.

The Interviewer
It is essential that you are aware of: -
The interviewer's position and interview style.
Whether there will there be a technical test?
Whether there will be more than one interviewer?
The Interview
Make sure that you have a contact number for your consultant in case of an emergency.
Take two copies of your CV, and if possible, any written references.
Ensure that you are smartly dressed.
Make sure that you arrive 15 minutes early and if necessary compose yourself away from the building, before making your way to the interview room 10 minutes before it commences.
During the interview, it is imperative that you keep to the basics: -
Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake.
Smile and keep good eye contact.
Speak clearly and articulately.
Less obvious but importantly you should also: -
Take your time when answering questions.
Make sure that you are clear what your major selling points are and make sure that at the end of the interview the client is clear what they are.
Answer questions succinctly.
Give examples where possible of your experience and how they will benefit the company.
Be positive.
Refrain from being negative regarding your current employer.
Be enthusiastic.
At the end of the interview, you should: -
Ask the interviewer how you did. "Do you believe that I would be a strong candidate for the role?" or “is there anything further that you would like to know about me or my CV?”
Ask what the next stage in the interview process is.
Ask how many other candidates are being interviewed.
Ask when you can expect to receive feedback.
Make sure that you have re-affirmed your interest in the role.

Interview Questions
Below, is a list of typical interview questions that you should be prepared for: -
Why do you want to leave your current employer?
Why do you want to work for us?
What are your most significant achievements?
How would your team describe yourself?
What are your 3 main strengths / weaknesses?
What are your goals?
Tell me about yourself?
What do you know about our company?
Why should we hire you?
Questions that you should be prepared to ask.
What are the opportunities for someone who is successful?
What is it like to work for the company?
What are the key challenges that the successful candidate will work on?
What makes people stay here?
After the Interview
Call your consultant and give your feedback.
Make sure that you keep in contact with the consultant; it is always advisable to give further feedback the next day, once you have had further time to reflect on the position.
It is courteous (but seldom done) to send the interviewer a thank you letter thanking them for taking the time to meet with you. If the job is of interest, then it is advisable to send a short note expressing your interest in the role.
Have a good think about where you have been:

 Right job? Right company?
 Did the company impress you on the whole?
 Did you get along with the managers?
 Are the staff friendly / your age / right personality?
 Is the type of company one that you can see yourself working at long-term?
 Do you like the products and services?
 Is there sufficient interest in the projects and responsibilities?
 Is the location suitable?
 Would you consider moving closer to the offices?
 Do you like the working environment?
 Do you like the company ethos?
 Do you feel comfortable with the job?
 Do you feel comfortable with the job offer?
 Is the money right?
 Step back and view the job, compare it what you had hoped for.
 Have you had all your questions answered?
 Is there anything that you still feel uncertain of?
 What further questions would you ask the client?

Key Interview Pointers
Be able to Identify your:
Transferable skills
Key achievements
Personal / Professional strengths.
Unique selling or promotional features.
Most of all relax, speak clearly and be positive.

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1. An informal 2 to 3 minute summary of yourself. This overview should be about YOU personally and NOT about your employment and work history. This is the perfect opportunity for you to demonstrate exactly who you are and what you are about, in particular your personality and character. Points are;
* Family, where do you live and who