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Niedługo to miejsca na Marsie zabraknie...

Ogłoszono właśnie nową inicjatywę - Mars Polar!

Since its early days, mankind has naturally been drawn to new knowledge, new lands and new realizations about the nature of humanity.

Today, we have many people who have shown an interest in being a part of efforts to bring about a new beginning on the Red Planet.

These people are brave enough to face the new and unknown and determined enough to create their own destiny.

This is the kind of people who will be remembered forever as people who are capable of pushing the boundaries of the human experience.

MarsPolar is a nonprofit, private organization with the purpose of establishing a permanent settlement on Mars with additional station on the north pole cap in 2023.

We will prove that mankind is capable of bringing life to a seemingly cold and lifeless planet like Mars.

We invite you to become a part of new society of talented scientists, artists and dreamers to reach our goal of creating the first settlement on Mars together.

Ze strony http://marspolar.space/ dowiadujemy się niewiele więcej - start (?) akcji za 43 dni.

Co ciekawe, firma (?) zarejestrowana w Dubaiu.

Wołam wszystkich zainteresowanych - #mirkokosmos #spacex #elonmusk #mars #kosmos #marsone #nasa
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