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#gownoburza #steam #przegryw na wykopowym #csgolounge @xadereq przypisuje sobie analize, na szybko to ją przetłumaczył... XD i wołam @Oskarek89 bo ty zawsze masz ananasa jak coś takiego widzisz xD

#lewackiebety #csgo #csgobets

POWIEM TAK POŁYKA JAK PELIKAN INFORMACJE Z NETU których prawdopodobnie nie sprawdził - bo po co skoro to jego analiza XD........... tsssssssssssss ta


http://play.eslgaming.com/counterstrike/csgo/csgo/major/go4csgo-europe/cup-133/rankings/ This is yesterdays go4csgo tournament where they finished second losing only in a 3 map derby vs byali's mix (yes, player from VP). Do conclusions for yourself, but I'm sticking to my native mates on this one :) #believe!


MyXMG = DRUCKWELLE, an alright German team. lost 12-16 to F3 in the Katowice Qualifiers. I was meant to cast for these guys a few times but with my timezone haven't been able to yet but have watched them several times on GOTV and am friends with most of them on steam. They're taking this whole new sponsorship very seriously and have been playing quite a bit as a team. Have recently undergone a roster change though. I'll ask one of the guys when they hop online for a bit more of a form-guide.


esc really really suck on inferno getting 16-0'd from navi and almost never playing it. Property played the map quite often recently in the bo3 against LGB they picked it and won and today a very close win against publiclir (22-20)

But cause esc just suck on inferno and its not a "u can just hope for a wonder" map I think I might go high on property,if the odds stay below ~70%

topt - #gownoburza #steam #przegryw na wykopowym #csgolounge @xadereq przypisuje sobi...

źródło: comment_xqkfPsJbe9FSKKqNDuw6QfnP7lCi72SB.jpg

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@topt: takie tylko krótkie (i może głupie) pytanie. Po kiego #!$%@? tagujesz #lewackiebety? To tag znudzonego, a nie xadereqa lub Twój i jak obserwuje ten tag to oczekuje tu wpisów lewaka. Wrzucaj swoje gorzkie żale pod tagami ogólnymi.
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