Wpis z mikrobloga

This is Khloe, the customer manager of TinyDeal.

I must apologize for our mistake.

There is a serious manual pricing error for the model P05-ZERO in your
order {22} , The price should be 219.99USD, not 82.44USD for each piece.

bla bla

Jak odzyskać hajs? Napisać by oddali na pp?
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całość wkleję, możecie się wcześniej zapoznać:
This is Khloe, the customer manager of TinyDeal.

I must apologize for our mistake

There is a serious manual pricing error for the model P05-ZERO in your order , T1780046037300001921629he price should be 219.99USD, not 82.44USD for each piece.

To show our sincerity, I would like to provide the following two promotions for you:

Enjoy the whole 2015 VIP offer in TinyDeal and with a 7%
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"Under this agreement, the payment processing services for goods and/or services purchased on this website are provided by TinyDeal Co. LTD which is located at Wong Shuk Hing, 1225 Tsuen Wan Post Office on behalf of TinyDeal Co. LTD or by TinyDeal Co. LTD, located at Dalton House 60 Windsor Avenue, London, ENGLAND, SW19, United Kingdom, depending on the type of payment method used for the purchase of the goods and/or services."
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@ChineseMobilePhones: na to wygląda, to coś zmienia?

edit: jednak chyba niewiele: Pricing mistakes

If the trader makes a genuine mistake when pricing something, they won’t have committed an offence. ,The trader doesn’t have to sell you the goods at that price. If you find out the price is higher than you want to pay you can change your mind about buying it.
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@lasic01: teraz własnie pytanie czy błedem będzie tak znacząca roznica miedzy cenami "219.99USD, 82.44USD" - czy to nie jest celowe wprowadzanie w bład jeszcze uwzgledniajac odliczajacy czas jako flash deal. Nie jest to pomyłka typu 219,99(org) a 21,99/19,99(mist) (poprzez zjedzenie czegoś).
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@ChineseMobilePhones: powiem tak, poklocenie i ponegocjonowanie z nimi przez email nic mnie kosztowac nie bedzie. narazie maila jeszcze nie mam, ale troche im tam nawrzucam, ze opinie im zepsuje bo na alli jak jest timer z dealem to to takie promocje sa normalne i tyle. a u nich lipa i oszustwo :)
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