Wpis z mikrobloga

Dear Friends,

I hope you are well.

I am writing to you with one important issue.

We have agreed with our star player - Michał Żyro, that he will be allowed to leave Legia in the coming winter transfer window. Legia rejected a few big offers this summer because our ambition was to qualify to Champions League this season. For reasons you may have heard of this unfortunately did not happen.

So I am writing to let you know Michał will be available for European top clubs this winter. He is not a cheap player, but at the same time his quality is extraordinary - he is undoubtedly the best young player in Poland since Robert Lewandowski.

Let me know if you're interested in him - we will agree with a buying club in the next 6-8 weeks maximum.

Best regards

Ktos chce kupic Zyre? xD Najlepszy mlody zawodnik od czasow Lewego hahahahah

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