Wpis z mikrobloga

Good Day.

The Central Bank of Benin Republic (CBB) working in relationship with HSBC London/Bank of America has concluded to issue you a VISA CARD with which you can access your contract/inheritance sum valued $1,300,000.000 This card center will send you an ATM card which you will use to withdraw your money in any ATM machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is Ten Thousand United States Dollars($10,000.00) per day. So if you like to receive your fund in this way.

Please let us know by contacting this department for immediate action,and also send the following information as listed below:

1. Full Name

2. Phone and Fax Number

3. Address were you want them to send the ATM card to (p.o box not acceptable)

4.Your Age and current occupation.

#tylewygrac #heheszki #bogactwo

a wy dalej 10 zł na koncie, nawet mi was nie żal( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)