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Cały serial Velma streszczony przez anona z /co/ #scoobydoo #kreskowki #scoobydoo #cartoonnetwork #bajki #hbomax #bekazlewactwa

Velma is Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling is accused of murder.

Must find out who did it.

Hates Daphne because Daphne ditched her as a friend, because she fuckin sucks.

Mindy's mom disappeared a while ago. Overarching story.

Now Mindy gets hallucinations/panic attacks whenever she tries to solve mysteries.

Investigates murder.

Fred is a rich, white, sociopathic manchild.

Velma figures out Fred is the murderer!(?)

Another murder happens.

Velma's dad represents Fred in court.

Daphne is a drug dealer. Her lesbian cop mothers have a file on Velma's mom's disappearance.

Velma has to sell drugs with Daphne to get the file.

Weird romance

Velma figures out that Fred is so spoiled and incompetent that he he couldn't be the murderer.

Fred threatens the judge with a knife to prove he's not a baby man.

Fred goes to jail.

Daphne and Velma make out.

Shaggy is also there.
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@Morskipas: Tylko w tym serialu, zwłaszcza że jest katastrofą i nawet recenzenci największych portali go nie lubią.
BTW Shaggy jest czarny a Daphne azjatką, adoptowaną córką dwóch lesbijek, piesa brak.
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