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Siusiaki z Goldmana naganiają, że FED dzisiaj będzie gołębi. O BOŻE O #!$%@?.

Well, according to Goldman's Sales and Trading desk, "expect today's Minutes to be Dovish, as they will likely line up with Nov 2 FOMC statement (“The Fed said it will consider existing tightening steps, the lagged effect of policy, and “economic and financial developments”). On 11/2, market loved the above (S&P gapped up 125bps) which was latter walked back by Powell’s Hawkish 2:30pm press conference (“I would also say it's premature to discuss pausing. It's not something that we're thinking about. That's really not a conversation to be had now. We have a ways to go”)."

gonzo91 - Siusiaki z Goldmana naganiają, że FED dzisiaj będzie gołębi. O BOŻE O #!$%@...

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